Come back to

You have arrived. You’re here with us, but, most importantly, you have arrived in your own body. Just as you are. These next steps will take you into our spa area. Let the warmth benefit your soul.


Wellness is an essential part of the SILENA, your soulful hotel. In our spa area, you can let your soul be free. Rejuvenate yourself in our rooftop onsen pool. Watch from the rooftop spa as darkness slowly descends onto the mountains. Free your mind while relaxing in our hammock chairs. Swim a few lengths in the infinity pool or warm yourself in our saunas. Now you have fully arrived. You are wholly with yourself.


Our care product line

THE PURE SILENA care product line accompanies you in all your treatments at the SILENA, your soulful hotel.
Our own line of care products grounds you with the power of lemon grass and green tea. Local herbs and plants also unleash their effect. Tried and true from South Tyrol: caraway, lime blossoms, camomile, thyme, camphor. Everything is inspired by the connection between South Tyrol and South-East Asia.

A path to

Breathe, search your soul, ask questions of your body and listen for a response. We give you everything you need to come home to yourself.
Breathing is a central aspect of life. However, we rarely pay any mind to this absolutely vital activity. The body, like waves, rises and falls. Mindfulness is created by counting breaths; you are now wholly with yourself. It is the connection between internal and external. You notice the importance of breathing when you “lose your breath” while exercising, as you must focus on it deliberately. In yoga as well, your breath accompanies you with every sun salutation. Breath-conscious hikes generate even more profound insights.

» I really look forward to discovering what you want from SILENA. I have learned that stillness is not emptiness but holds many answers. Let's take a closer look when we go out for a walk together. «

Ida - breathing coach
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